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Indiana Criminal Code Sections
Relating to Guns and Other Weapons:

Regulation of Weapons and instruments of violence


Application of definitions in chapter "Alcohol abuser" "Dealer" "Drug abuser"
"Firearm" "Gun show" "Handgun" "Proper person"
"Proper reason" "Retail" "Sawed-off shotgun" "Shotgun"
"Superintendent" "Wholesale"


Carrying of handgun prohibited; exceptions Excepted persons Application for license to carry handgun; procedure
Qualified or unlimited licenses to carry handguns; fees; exemptions from payment of feesIC 35-47-2-5 Suspension or revocation of license; failure to return license; rules concerning procedure for suspending or revoking license Granting or rejection of initial application; renewals Prohibited sales or transfers of ownership
Regulation of sale of handguns imposed by this chapter; application Application for transfer of handgun; contents; delivery to designated parties; fingerprints required Application for transfer of handguns; search of records concerning transferee; fees; disposition of funds; rules for proper accounting and expenditure of funds retained
Sale forms; completion by transferee in presence of transferor, delivery upon completion of waiting period; grounds for nondelivery Unlawful delivery; suspension of retail dealer's license Additional record of lawful transfer not to be made or maintained; forms to be forwarded to transferee; forms as proof of ownership
Necessity of retail handgun dealer's license; display Retail handgun dealer's license; application procedure Retail handgun dealer's license; restrictions; display; prohibited sales; gun show
Giving false information or offering false evidence of identity; violation of section Obliterating identification marks on handgun or possession of such handguns prohibited Application of chapter
Removal of disability under this chapter Recognition of retail dealers' licenses and licenses to carry handguns issued by other states Use of unlawful handgun-carrying license to obtain handgun prohibited
Violations; classes of misdemeanor and felony Indictment or information, defendant's burden to prove exemption or license, et al.

Miscellaneous Provisions

Delivery of deadly weapon to intoxicated person Loans secured by handguns Pointing firearm at another person Felons owning, carrying, or possessing particular firearms

Prohibited Weapons

Explosive or inflammable substance Knife with blade that opens automatically Sawed off shotgun
Application of chapter Purchasing or obtaining a rifle or shotgun 35-47-5-7 Repealed
Machine gun or bomb loaded with explosives or dangerous gases Operating loaded machine gun or hurling bomb loaded with explosives or dangerous gases Applicability of statutes relating to machine gun or bomb loaded with explosives or dangerous gases
"Armor-piercing handgun ammunition" defined; related offenses "Chinese throwing star" defined; related offenses Unlawful use of body armor

Weapons on Aircraft

Applicability of chapter Firearm, explosive or deadly weapon; possession in commercial or chartered aircraft Firearm, explosive, or deadly weapon; possession in controlled access areas of an airport
Consent to search of person or personal belongings Action against airline company for denial of person refusing search to board aircraft

Reports of Wounds Inflicted by Weapons or Dogs

Persons required to report wounds Application of chapter
Burn injury reporting Dog bite injury reporting

Electronic Stun Weapons

"Electronic stun weapon" defined "Stun gun" defined "Taser" defined
Applicability of handgun provisions Stun guns; purchase, possession and sale; use in commission of crime; use on law enforcement officer

Possession of Firearms on School Property

Exemptions from chapter Possession of firearms on school property, at school function, or on school bus; felony

Children and Firearms

Exemptions from chapter "Adult" defined "Child" defined
"Loaded" defined Dangerous possession of a firearm Dangerous control of a firearm
Dangerous control of a child Term of imprisonment in addition to criminal penalty Consecutive sentences imposed
Rehabilitation of child; placement in quasi-military program

Local Regulation of Firearms

Applicability of chapter Regulation of firearms by units other than townships Emergency ordinances; adoption; conditions warranting
Emergency ordinances; procedures for adoption Emergency ordinances; effective date; expiration Restrictions on sale of firearms during emergency

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